Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yay I am Employed again!!

Well hello friends, it sure has been awhile since I have last posted anything. So much has been going on in the last month. I have finally moved back home. After 4 months I finally told John that I hated it up North and it was better for me to live back in the Hat. He understood completely cause he hates it so much too. We both agreed that it was not a place to raise his son, so it will be up to me to take care of Allen when John is working. Allen will be moving down South next week. I am really excited about that. I miss the little guy so much. It will give us a little time to bond without John around.

I also recently began working at Powers & Jans Chiropractic again. Yay! I am not a bum any longer!! I love having a pay cheque again. It makes me feel like I am doing something with life lol!! I have almost made it through 2 weeks of work. I am supposed to be only part time right now, but I seem to have regained my extra full time schedule back. I am so tired. I am not used to being on my feet for so long lol! Oh well, no complaining! I am looking forward to feeling a little better about the money situation and not having to rely on my loving man anymore. Poor guy doesn't need a bum for a gf. He started dating me cause I was ambitious, not cause I was wanting a sugar daddy lol!

So stay tuned for more details of living back in the Prairies.