Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1st Official Trip Together

Well, it is official. John, Allen and I took our very first official trip together. This past weekend we traveled to Whitefish, MT. It started out as a very bumpy ride....John didn't make it home until 10am when we were supposed to be on the road at 9am. If any of you know me at all, I am a super organized, planned to the last second type of person. I had our road trip planned weeks in advance. I knew the timing down by heart. Anyone who knows John, knows that he throws a wrench into my plans every time lol! I should know better after 2 1/2 years, but habits are hard to break. I guess I am trying to break his habits before mine.

After the last minute packing, showering and hair cut that John had to do we finally got on the road by 12:15pm.  As expected, John zonked out minutes after getting in the car. Well to be honest he started falling asleep during his hair cut. So I put on my Ipod full of great traveling music and off we went. Allen is an amazing traveler. Even his pee breaks are getting further and further apart lol!! We had fantastic weather for traveling.

We made it to Whitefish around 5:30pm. It was 8 degrees. So beautiful out!! I was so happy to have the sun shining even when we pulled into the hotel. We checked in and then toured to Kalispell to do a little shopping. We decided to dine at the hotel cause their menu looked interesting. We were right about that. I had a mushroom lasagna that was to die for. It had a beautiful creamy sauce and the most amazing flavors. I wish I would have taken a picture, but I was in too much of a rush to eat it. Allen's chicken fried steak took up his whole plate. I have never seen meals so large. John's steak looked fantastic as well.

We stuffed ourselves so full that we were totally ready for an early bedtime. The next day consisted of our timeshare meeting. Which John went in with the mentality of NOT buying...after the meeting he had planned on buying 2 weeks!! (Guys are so weak!!) I then enjoyed a half hour hot stone massage, and John a half hour massage. Very relaxing, and just what the chiropractors ordered!! Then we spent the rest of the day touring around Whitefish and Kalispell. What wonderful places. Though I have to say, I will not be complaining about the roads in Medicine Hat anymore. Our roads are perfect compared to theirs. We drove to this BBQ place for supper. It was called Piggy Back BBQ. Wow!! What a beautiful smoky flavor. We definitely don't have anything like that in Canada!! I do have a pic of that meal lol!!

Saturday was the ski day for the boys. They left at 8:15am, leaving me to fend for myself for the morning. They were gone until 4:30 that afternoon. They had an amazing time, even though their first run ended up being on a black diamond run....and they are still both beginner skiers. My day was utter bliss.....3 1/2 hours of me time. I went to the spa and got the full meal deal. Body wrap, 1 hour massage, facial, foot treatment and hand treatment. I was like goo when I was finished. I didn't want to leave. I am still mourning the loss of my solitude lol!!

All in all it was an amazing trip. I am so glad our first vacation as a family went over so well. I was a little worried that it wouldn't and we would never travel again. So now I am planning our next trip, though the next one is adult only. Sorry Allen!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

6 Months into the "Mom" thing

Well it has been quite a few months since my last post. Things in my life have changed in very gigantic ways. As I wrote in my last post, Allen is now living with me. Now for all of you who I have kept in contact with regularly you know all of the ups and downs I have faced. I do have to say that becoming a Mom has really opened my eyes. I have apologized over and over and over to my own Mom for all the horrible things I did to her.  LOL!! She is now enjoying the fact that I am having to deal with all the same issues she had to deal with when I was 10. I guess life has a way of turning us around. I think it has actually made my relationship with my Mom better. She is my rock. She is the one who is helping me keep my head above water. I don't know if I could have taken on this challenge without her. She keeps reminding me that I am strong enough to think things through and be the bigger person. Not to be the selfish person that I have allowed myself to be for the last 29 years. It's amazing what Mom's can do for you.

I don't know what I would do without my Mom in my life. Through all of our ups and downs in our life together she has shown me what a strong woman really is. With all of her trials in life she has walked right through with her head held high. She is what I strive to be. I hope that I am half the person that she has shown us how to be. I know that I can stand on my own two feet just like her. She has taught me how to be a strong, honest, loyal, caring and independant woman. I hope to never let her down. Show her I can be my own woman, just as she was her own.

I know that in the last 6 months life has turned upside down for me. It has offered me challenges that I have never faced before. I am working on dealing with those challenges. It is shown me that I have to find my "inner peace". Find out what I want out of life. It's amazing that at 29 years old I am finally sitting down to think about that. You think I would have been working towards that before. I guess I had to stumble first before I realized what I was missing out on. So I have decided that I will take time out of life for ME. I need ANG time. I need to figure out what is my BLISS. I am on my way to figuring that out. I just want to thank all of you who have helped me along that path. I know sometimes I may have been hard headed and stubborn, but that was just me dragging my feet. I am starting to pick them up and walk this path. See what is ahead with open eyes instead of pulling away with eyes that are tightly squeezed shut.

So with one step at a time I move forward in this new life. Motherhood, Happiness and Bliss. Learning that I can't control every little thing and that I have to just let life happen. Wish me luck!!